Our commitment to our planet.

We are mindful of the environment and minimize impact where possible. 

From the beginning, Parched sought to create an environmentally responsible product, opting to package our dehydrated fruit in reusable stand up craft paper pouches and use delivery boxes which are made from 100% Recycled Kraft material and as such compostable and curbside recyclable.

Our delivery boxes are 100% compostable, recyclable, and made from lightweight, sturdy, E-flute board - they're perfect for shipping sustainably.

Reducing our carbon footprint.

We continue to employ other strategies to keep our carbon footprint low, such as working whenever possible with local New Zealand fruit growers and we aspire to protect our natural resources by supporting One Tree Planted organization.

Today, indigenous forests cover around 25% of New Zealand, often in patches and fragments outside of protected areas. Where these forest ecosystems still exist intact, they support unique flora and fauna communities, including many endemic bird species such as kererū wood pigeons, kākā parrots, fantails and tui.

Today the greatest threats to New Zealand’s indigenous forests come from damage caused by the spread of invasive species, the fragmentation of forest habitats, and the lack of intact forest buffers between them.

Our donations are helping to plant thousands of trees to restore the island’s indigenous forests and create habitat for wildlife, while stabilizing hillsides to prevent erosion and protect local watersheds.

We’re not perfect, but we’re doing our best.